So i was scheduled to be induced on Thursday at 7:30am. At 3:00am i woke up feeling funny. I got up to pee and realized that I lost my mucus plug. The I started having stronger contractions. About 2 hours later i realized my water started breaking. By 5:30 my contractions were 4 minutes apart and getting hard to breath through for over an hour so we called the dr. and we headed to the hospital. We were in a room by 6 and hooked up to the monitors ready to start this labor process. So I laid there for a while and then we walked for a while, it was real exciting(that was sarcasm). Around 10:30 am I was 4 cm dilated and in a lot of pain because I was experiencing mostly back labor and so I got a lovely epidural. It was really cool because I originally want to tough things out as long as I could but we had a great nurse that taught labor classes and breathing techniques and had had natural labor and an epidural and just gave us great wisdom about the benefits of being able to rest in earlier labor so that I could push better in the end. It was so worth it. I was able to rest through the intense contractions which was a huge blessing I didn't know I would need. To make a long story shorter, my labor slowed down so they pumped me with pitocin and then finally around 3:00pm i was 8.5 cm dilated but I had also started shaking uncontrolably. By 3:30 i was at 10cm and we were starting practice pushing. From then on things became a blur. I guess i pushed for the next hour with no avail. Cades head was a little crooked which was blocking him from coming down. His heart rate started shooting up during that hour, my blood pressure started having issues and I started to spike a fever. They put me on oxygen to try and help aid me as my body was having a hard time keeping up. At 4:15 my doctor came in and evaluated the situation and off we went to the O.R. 4 minutes later everyone was scrubbed in and bud was at my side and we started the c-section. After 5 minutes of yanking my organs and smashing my sternum, we heard a little cry. Cade was born at 4:35 pm and Nick got to see our little man. He greated the nurse by peeing on her and then after they cleaned him up I got to see my amazing bud holding our little man with tears streaming down his face. It was awesome. To be honest I was so out of it because of the fever and exhaustion so I don't remember much till about 11pm when I really got to hold him and stare at him. He is amazing. Sorry that was so long and I hope it was coherent, but everyone has been asking for details, so that is the birth story of Cade Jeffrey Hart. He is a pretty content baby so far. He came out 6 lbs 14 oz and 20 inches so a lot smaller than we thought. But he has big feet and long legs! He is doing great and his fever came down quick which was a huge blessing. I'm recovering slowly my fever came down finally yesterday morning and my battle with the pain of surgery is finally getting under control. I got a shower today and real food tonight for dinner so I'm stoked. We also got a two hour nap where the nurse took cade out and so it was so needed. We so appreciate everyone's prayers and the love they have shown us. We are here at the hospital till monday mid afternoon so we are enjoying the help we have here and looking forward to being home in our own bed soon too! Well enough verbage here are a few of the first pics of cade. Here is his first bath
This is fresh out of the womb! He had crazy curly hair from all the junk in there.
Nick posed him with his monster.
This is us right after they wheeled me back in.
This is our adorable little man!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Our Man is here!!
Posted by lindseyhart at 7:18 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
39 weeks and Last day with the belly!!
SO were are excited and nervous and can't wait to meet our little man tomorrow. Here are a few of the last belly pics before he makes his grand entrance. We had a great day together today get last minute cleaning and errands done and a fun lunch out. Love you all and we will keep you posted!! oh and for those of you that were asking official weight gain total was 28 pounds!
Posted by lindseyhart at 10:26 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
So Thursday is the day!
So we just had a check today and my doctor wants to induce on Thursday at 7:30am because i've been having so many contractions and started dilating. So be praying for us and hopefully we will have our little man on Thursday evening. It will have been almost two weeks of contractions and so i'm tired. But we are so excited and so appreciate your prayers!!
Posted by lindseyhart at 6:04 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
So tired of waiting!!!
No baby yet! Still getting regular contractions but not anything that I can't walk or breath through. So still at home. This is the weirdest process its like waiting for a party to start but you just keep waiting and waiting. So pray for Cade to hurry up and patience for all of us!this is my unimpressed face after four days of this!
Posted by lindseyhart at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
2 CM!! YAY!!!
We went to the dr. this afternoon and all these contractions have had a purpose. I'm 2 cm dilated and effaced. Yay were making progress! So keep praying hopefully are little man will be here soon!
Posted by lindseyhart at 6:02 PM 0 comments
38 weeks contractions and trying everything!
So I started having contractions but not strong enough and not dialating so we have been walking like crazy and last night we had greasy pizza. I have a dr. appointment today so we will see if any progress has been made cuz i'm tired of this beginning labor stuff. Here are some pics of my belly and my amazing treadmill walking outfit.My amazing outfit!!
looking cool!
funny pic nick took from below me
the belly
in all its glory
up close
Posted by lindseyhart at 11:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tour of California!
So Tuesday Bud and I had a great day off. We drove to marin and had breakfast at this great place called dipsea and then we went and caught up with the guys riding in the Tour of California. It was so cool! We got to see all the guys inches away from us and all the cool bikes and stuff. We saw Lance Armstrong and Levi Leipheimer and so many others. Bud was so stoked because one team was riding the same bike he rides. So it was like bud's bike was riding in the tour! Here are a few of the pics! Then after that we went and walked around and then went to the hospital. It was a crazy day. lance is the second from the left in the black jacket and yellow and black helmet
this is the chp car that nick thought was really sweet
this is the lead pack they were about 2km in front of the peleton
The guy in the middle is levi leipheimer he was first in the standings tuesday
this is the team that all road the same bike as bud!
Posted by lindseyhart at 2:29 PM 0 comments
First Trip to the hospital!
Hey everybody! So yesterday we had our first dry run of time to go the hospital. We thought my water might have started to leak so they sent us over to get some testing done. Turns out my water didn't break yet but I'm having regular contractions. I had contractions every couples minutes the hour i was there and didn't realize that is what they were. But I wasn't dialating so they let us go home which we were actually stoked on cuz we were both hungry and tired. As of today, Wednesday i'm still having contractions and very uncomfortable but just the early stages of labor so we are just waiting it out. But it seems like Cade is wanting to make his entrance soon! Which I would be totally fine with! So be praying for us and we will keep you all posted. I'm posting a video at the end of his little heart beat that nick took while i was being monitored.
Random side note, while we were in the hospital we saw our friends John and Christina Argo as they were going into have there baby by c-section so that was funny!where cade eventually will be!
Bud passing time taking pictures of his eye.
Our lovely lounging pose.
Me looking lovely in my gown!
Posted by lindseyhart at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Cade's Room
So Cade's room is all done! Yay! Well with the exception that Nick is making a cool name sign thing to hang on the wall. But we got all his clothes washed and hung up, stuff organized, and labeled(my dad has this fun labeler, well I thought it was amazing). Here is a peak at it. The room is actually my old room so we left it blue with black trim because we didn't feel like painting. And we left the treadmill in there because we figured we'd give cade a head start on the whole running thing. We don't have a theme and we started out with just bright colors. But I eventually did get a crib sheet and changing pad cover that match. But check it out its fun and simple and it is so cool to see he has a room!This is his changing table and his shelves with there way cool labels!!
This is his crib, swing, my glider!
I'll post a pic of the name sign when nick finishes it!!
Posted by lindseyhart at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
37 weeks! We made it!!!
So we are full term! Yay Cade! Man this month has been crazy! Cade finally turned last week and started dropping quickly. He is in position and as of yesterday since i found out what they were I realized i've started having contractions. Yay he is getting closer. Man this dropping business is uncomfortable. I have officially gotten the pregnant waddle, i'm slow as molasses walking and most of the time I need help getting out of a chair or off the couch. I've also gotten the lovely water retention that I so endearingly call my sausage legs at night. My belly has gotten huge and I have finally hit the 25 pound mark. Cade still trys to move a bunch but really doesn't have much room so my belly looks like there is an alien in it. Cade frequently smashes his head into my bladder so i now find myself peeing a lot more and it is quite the effort to get out of bed to pee all night long. But honestly we are so excited. Nick asks me every day if I think Cade is coming and he picked out his outfit to bring him home from the hospital. Actually he has two options(is that so nick or what). I'm not really looking forward to the whole labor thing but we can't wait to meet Cade! We will keep you posted as things progress. But at this rate, we might have a baby in our arms in the next couple weeks!
Love you all!
Enjoy our 37 week pics!
Posted by lindseyhart at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Nick Bonding with Harry!
So harry gets cranky at night time and sometimes will snap at nick. One night we were fortunate enough to get it on video it was pretty funny!
Posted by lindseyhart at 5:00 PM 0 comments
So Nick and I decided to take a little three day trip to Monterey to celebrate our last few weeks before becoming parents! It was so fun and the weather was gorgeous!This is the plaza at the monterey bay inn and spa that we would bring our breakfast and sit and eat at overlooking the ocean.
My bud surprised me with roses in the room.
We dressed up and for a dinner picnic which we timed wrong so it was in the dark, but still so fun! Aren't we cute!
That's my dinner it was yummy!
Us in the dark at the park!
The awesome waves crashing!
Bud climbed out on a rock and then the tide came in and he was surrounded by water. It was pretty funny!
Sea urchin.
Kissy face!
MMMM my breakfast!
Sneak attack kiss!
My flowers and chocolate covered strawberries!
36 weeks preggers belly on the beach with my bud!
Belly shots!
My big old belly!
Contemplative bud!
The drive out.
Posted by lindseyhart at 4:10 PM 0 comments