cade laughing
cade loves mirrors
cade thought he'd type a letter :)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
some funny videos
Posted by lindseyhart at 10:38 PM 0 comments
A few more pics
So Cade is 7 months man time flies by. We can't believe are little man is closer to a year than a newborn. It is crazy!!! Cade got his first tooth in minnesota and i think the next is coming hopefully tonight because he has been miserable and chewing on everything in sight. The poor guy is normally happy and was so fussy today and last night. He just started licking the cherios on his tray instead of just playing with them. He also wouldn't grab our hands or grab onto things when he was standing but just started doing that a couple days ago and now walks like crazy while just holding onto your fingers. He is on the move! He is such an awesome little man and we love each day with him. Here are a few more pics from the past weeks. Love to all!His shark towel. He loves pulling things over his face
mmmm jello
mmmm jello
sitting on grandpa grizz's saddle
love standing in my carseat
hi mommy
Posted by lindseyhart at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
swimming at nona and papas
just lounging
lightning mcqueen
hey look at that baby in the mirror
with great grandma and great grandpa
the men
camo baby
scooter ride
with daddy in his camo
chilling with mommy
go cart rides
crazy hair
playing with great grandma
hi there
im cute i know
crazy hair twins
plane nap hair
couch nap hair
im a shark
hey i think there is something stuck to my face
yummy foot
sleepy baby
beach day
family photo
sleeping with daddy
mmmm bottle
mmmm food
mmmm hand
whats up
just chillin in my duck
happy man
big hat
first trip in the cart
wedding bud did
Posted by lindseyhart at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
6 & 7 months!
so its been forever since i posted and so i'll try and hit the highlights.
- cade sits up like a pro
-he tries to run after harry the dog but can't walk on his own
- he wants to walk but won't let you hold his hands so you have to hold onto his shirt or armpits
-he loves harry the dog and thinks he is hysterical
- he had his first trip to the zoo with his nona and papa
-he went to minnesota and met his great grandma chippy and great grandpa bucky
- he got his first tooth
-he loves to be in the pool
-he went in a go cart for the first time
-he eats everything in sight
-he loves to chew on everything
-he loves his bath still
-we got him a walker even though we aren't supposed to and he loves it!!!
-he is a man that loves to be moving
-he talks up a storm
-he smiles so much and laughs hysterically when tickled and when we do funny things
-he loves books
-he got his first formal pics taken at 6 months
-he had his first trip to the er for a throat infection
-he has no interest in crawling and looks like a beached whale or like he is trying to surf on his stomach
-he holds his hands up to you when he wants to be picked up
-he hugs you and snuggles so much it is awesome
-he loves to fake cough for attention
-he loves to scream really loud to hear his voice
- he still hates his car seat
-he has a mop for hair i can't keep up on it
-he still has blue eyes
-his hair is brownish blonde now
-at 6 months he was 20 pounds 27 inches(i think) and his head was off the charts 18 1/4 inches haha lots of brains!
Cade is such an amazing passionate kid. When he is happy he is happy and when he isn't he really isnt. overall he is super smiley and so fun! He loves to play right now and it is so cool to see the life he brings to so many people and the smiles he brings to random strangers faces. We love our little man and treasure each day with him. We can't believe he will be 7 months in two days!
We love you all and hope you enjoy our update. I will post pics and video soon!
Posted by lindseyhart at 11:12 AM 0 comments