This video is pretty cute I love this laugh!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Cade Laughing from being tickled
Posted by lindseyhart at 9:56 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
funny videos from the past few weeks
Nick was challenging me one day telling me how strong his stomach was and to test his strength it was a totally random funny video
this is the first time cade stood alone holding on to his table he only did it for a few seconds but now he stands a lot longer.
So this is our friends Jill and Lamars son tyler saying all kinds of funny things:
scrape scrape: refers to a scraper:
Whistles go whoo refers to this clip:
i want the gold refers to this clip:
Posted by lindseyhart at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Weeks 21-23
So we have been all over the place. Here are the highlights:
-cade went on his first plane ride to austin and back and did awesome
-we had a great time there but Cade decided not to sleep while there so we were tired
-we had an amazing time staying with our friends Jill and Lamar and there son tyler and got to hang out with tons of friends
-he also helped tyler potty train while he was there and fit in his 2t undies, my kid is getting big!
-Cades new conquests:
- grabs his feet
- can polish off a whole 4 oz jar of food and an 8 oz bottle of formula at one sitting
- intentionally grabs things
- can pull my glasses off my face
-spins around in his crib at night
- can roll but would rather stand
- stands on his feet all the time and then squats down and stands back up
- stands up and holds on to things
- raises his hands to have you pick him up
- he is super ticklish
- loves to scream just to hear how loud his voice can go
-cade is super active, laughs freely, is still teething and such a joy most of the time :)
- he went on his first run with nick for 5 miles in the jogging stroller and did awesome.
- he shows no interest in crawling but just tries to walk, i swear he is just going to up and walk away one of these days
We love our little man and he is such a breath of fresh air during this season of life!
here are a bunch of pics and videos from the last few weeks
we love you all!daddy being funny
our son is a learned man
yep just how he was sleeping
plane ride to austin
us crashed out on the plane
tyler and cade
yep he looks pissed and is flipping off the camera! thats are little man!
zadok's newest team rider!
tyler and cade again both grumpy and unsure
cute little bootie!!!
look at that belly
ready for his run with daddy
just chillin
smiles and laughs
sad sleeping
little old lady with freshly curled hair and bad lipstick
Posted by lindseyhart at 5:16 PM 0 comments